Last Updated on September 8, 2022
As the sweet days of summer come to a close, it’s time to get organized for the school year.
Beyond a nice, quiet spot to complete assignments and cram for tests, a homework station can serve as a place to store important school documents, handouts and schedules.
Whether you are looking to improve what you’ve already got or create something from scratch, we’ve got tons of ideas below!
What serves as a craft station during school breaks, easily doubles as the perfect spot to complete homework during the school year.
We love how board and batten trim work easily transforms this space. Who wouldn’t want to study here?
Related reading: 6 updates that transform your builder grade home into a custom work of art
Make your homework station work overtime when you create a space that doubles as a home office and a spot to read Of Mice and Men. Psst! If you’re wondering what amazing shade of gray is used in these beautiful builtins, it’s called Boothbay Gray by Benjamin Moore.
This homework spot gets an A+ for ample storage, which is key in our book!
A space to study and a command center to store backpacks, lunch pails and all the sports equipment in the same spot? Now, that’s perfection.
A playroom is transformed into a space to study in this highly organized spot. The rolling storage cart is perfect for kids that like to move around while doing homework.
Keep reading: Get in gear before the school bell rings when you create the perfect command center to store coats, backpacks, shoes, sports equipment and more!