Posted on: October 30, 2019 Posted by: Comments: 0

Last Updated on October 6, 2022

Halloween is a time to stir up some scary good times. Welcome guests and trick or treaters by ensuring their safety and fun.

1. Clear your porch and driveway of debris such as loose gravel, slippery moss, leaves, etc. It’s “acorn season” in the Carolinas, which means walking on your paved areas could be like walking on marbles, so remove those, as well as flowerpots, garden tools, hoses, bikes, toys, shoes and whatever else could be a safety hazard.

2. Secure any loose railings, steps, stepping stones, pavers etc. You’ve been meaning to do that, anyway.

3. Turn off the sprinkler system. Easily overlooked, but hard to forget. Remove sprinkler heads temporarily if they pose a tripping hazard.

4. Keep pets inside in their safe place. Even the most well-adjusted pets will appreciate a calm, quiet place to chill on thrill night. The stimuli of a constantly ringing doorbell, excited costumed kids and candy all over the place makes it no place for your fur family.

5. When lighting your jack-o’-lantern, consider using a battery-powered candle or clear string lights to give it its glow. Aside from the danger of getting accidentally kicked over, costumes, paper bags and other decorations are also fire hazards when exposed to an open flame. Avoid decorating with pitchforks, real blades, etc. Opt for safe alternatives created in rubber or plastic editions.

6. Make sure the exterior lights of your home are in good working order, including floodlights, which illuminate the darkest areas of your yard. If you are not going to be home, set your alarm and keep exterior lights on.

7. Secure your vehicle. Preferably in a garage or fenced carport, but if not possible, remove any valuables from the interior and make sure it is locked, keeping mischief makers out of trouble and leaving vandals nothing to target.

8. Practice door safety. Popular trick-or-treating hours are usually 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., so be ready for the onslaught of kids during those hours. Even so, if you have a buddy at the house with you, all the better. Don’t open the door for anyone who makes you feel ill at ease, and as the crowds thin, it’s a good idea to call it quits for the night. Only hand out commercially wrapped candy.

9. Know that you’re covered. Most likely, nothing will happen, but it could. Check your homeowners insurance for liability and property damage coverage before your Halloween party or the trick or treaters arrive. It’s better to know than not know. If we can help you with a review, just contact Allen Tate Insurance.

Safety doesn’t have to be scary! Following the tips above can help ensure a safe, happy Halloween and a fun time for everyone.

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