Posted on: October 14, 2015 Posted by: Comments: 0

Last Updated on September 1, 2022

Life keeps us busy. With work, school, activities and errands, we often don’t take time to stop and plan for the future.

Life insurance isn’t sexy, and no one likes to think about the worst, but it’s important to make sure your family is taken care of, in case you’re not around.

Here are some things to consider regarding life insurance:

Start with term. Term insurance is a great way to get started and the least expensive option. Term is for a specific period and will expire at the end of the term. You can use it to pay off a mortgage or helping with college needs for your children.

They depend on you. If you have a spouse, partner or children or others who depend on the money you earn, you need life insurance. In the event of your premature death, you want to make sure your loved ones would be able to continue living in same manner if you were still earning a paycheck.

It may not be enough. Some people only have life insurance coverage through their employer and think that they have plenty.  It’s important to review your coverage and consider buying additional life insurance on your own.

It’s less than you think. Life insurance rates are generally lower than you think, yet 59 percent of consumers say that they have other financial priorities that keep them from buying life insurance. Life insurance becomes more expensive as you get older, so buy as much as you need while you’re young and in great health.

Choose the right company. The financial strength and reputation of the life insurance company you select is important to make sure guarantees are kept. Do your research. Publicly traded life insurance companies are required to report on their financial condition four times a year.

No one knows the future. But we can take steps to make sure the future is secure for your loved ones. Talk to your trusted Allen Tate Insurance advisor today about what you can do to be prepared.

Robin Price
Vice President of Sales, Allen Tate Insurance
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