In the Blue Ridge, our mountains are inextricably linked to our way of life. Traditionally, the mountains have guided farming practices, town traditions, and community cultures. Today, they serve as a backdrop for our outdoor adventures and our love of the region.
Enjoying the beauty of our mountains is one way you can Live Abundantly in WNC. Today, we shine a spotlight on a local organization dedicated to preserving forests and wildlife in and around Saluda, NC. We invite you to learn more about the Saluda Community Land Trust and how you can help them meet their mission.
What is the Saluda Community Land Trust?
The mission of the Saluda Community Land Trust (SCLT) is to preserve Saluda, NC’s rural character by preserving farm and forest land through conservation easements and land acquisition. They do this through four main paths:
- Preserving undeveloped land in commercial and residential areas for agricultural or public use.
- Establishing greenways connecting people, land, and community.
- Empowering Saluda community members to take ownership of their land and use it for the best practices.
- Preserving Saluda’s rural, small town character by protecting its unique natural resources.
What are their active projects?
The SCLT manages several active projects at any given time. For instance, they manage trail maintenance in the area and the upkeep of a dog park on Chestnut Street in Saluda. Here are their additional active projects:
Controlling Invasives – Volunteer teams clear and control oriental bittersweet and other invasives from under the trees on Judd’s Peak Lookout. This vine was imported as a decorative plant, but has spread profusely, girdling trees and draping over the branches.
Rehabbing Moody House – This 21-acre SCLT property is within easy walking distance of downtown. In addition to work on the house, the group is constructing trails on the site.
Completing Round Mountain Trails – The trail to the summit of Round Mountain is established to a picnic area along the route. However, from that point the trail is incomplete.
How can I support the Saluda Community Land Trust?
SCLT’s work is possible through the generous support of private donors, members, and community funds and foundations. Help them continue their work through donations and endowments. Consider becoming a volunteer, perhaps to help with the projects listed above. Or join SCLT as a member. As a member, you are a co-owner of all SCLT properties, and this allows you to vote on board members who become the managers of your properties.
Get more by giving back
Every day, our agents and staff impress us by their involvement in strengthening community efforts through service and financial support. We encourage you to get involved, too.
Help support our mountains now and in the future! Give BIG to an organization that means something to you. Reach out to the Saluda Community Land Trust or contact your Allen Tate/Beverly-Hanks agent to learn about local efforts to preserve forests and wildlife in WNC.
Saluda Community Land Trust
P.O. Box 732, Saluda | (828) 749-1560