Posted on: April 13, 2022 Posted by: Sarah Giavedoni Comments: 0

Last Updated on May 15, 2023

Learn more about Heart of Brevard and how you can help them meet their mission.
Photo from Heart of Brevard

As much as we like to believe it sometimes, our beloved communities don’t just run themselves. There are festivals to coordinate, committees to host, tourism guides to produce. They serve as the many little pieces that come together to make our communities so rich and vibrant.

Today, we shine a spotlight on a local organization whose mission is to make it easy for locals to Live Abundantly in Brevard, NC. We invite you to learn more about Heart of Brevard and how you can help them meet their mission.

What is Heart of Brevard?

As corny as it sounds, Heart of Brevard (HOB) is the heartbeat of the town. Through design, economic improvement, promotion, and organization, they have worked to revitalize the community and keep downtown a vital hub. The nonprofit organization employs a professional staff who are guided by a board of directors made up of downtown business owners and civic leaders. HOB is funded by a balanced mix of public and private investment. 

Heart of Brevard is a program of the nonprofit National Main Street Center, a subsidiary of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

What do they do?

Since 1991, Heart of Brevard has been the voice of downtown. More than 100 businesses, organizations, and agencies are located in the HOB district, employing about 1,000 people. HOB works to communicate their concerns to city and county officials and staff. They advocate for practices that encourage smart growth and preserve the quality of life in downtown. And they address important social issues. As a result, HOB strives to serve as a gathering place for the community in order to sustain Brevard’s rich community heritage. 

In addition, HOB sponsors special events, street festivals, and promotional programs to encourage locals and visitors to the district. Programs range from large-scale events to self-guided tours to “shop local” promotional events and public relations efforts. Among the annual events they host are:

  • Monthly Artist Spotlight series.
  • Saturday Stroll (April–August).
  • White Squirrel Weekend (June 3–4, 2022).
  • Tuesday Night Block Party Series.
  • Independence Day Community Celebration & Fireworks Extravaganza (July 4).
  • Art is in the Air En Plein Air Festival (September 15–18, 2022).
  • Halloweenfest & Spooky Stroll (October 29, 2022).
  • HeART of the Season (November 19–20, 2022).
  • Holiday Windows Competition & Walking Tour (November 18–December 3, 2022).
  • Light Up the Night (December 3, 2022).

How can I support Heart of Brevard?

Support local

HOB relies primarily on the MSD tax that all business and property owners pay annually. That means, the best way to support HOB is by supporting local! Supporting the businesses and services in the HOB district helps the whole community. Come downtown for a special event, buy regularly from downtown businesses and restaurants, or just walk downtown on a sunny day.

Volunteer your time

In addition, every nonprofit always needs volunteers. HOB’s public events are labor intensive and require a lot of human power hours. If you’re interested in volunteering, reach out via HOB’s general Volunteer Interest Form.

Stay connected

Keep abreast of local news, accolades, events, and advocacy. Sign up for HOB’s newsletter, and follow HOB on social media.

Get more by giving back

At Allen Tate/Beverly-Hanks, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity and means to Live Abundantly in WNC. Donate time and money to an organization like Heart of Brevard that means something to you. Reach out to Heart of Brevard or contact your Allen Tate/Beverly-Hanks agent to learn about local nonprofits in your community.

Heart of Brevard

26 Times Arcade, Brevard | (828) 884-3278 | 

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