Posted on: May 19, 2020 Posted by: Comments: 0

Last Updated on September 2, 2022

More than just a  fancy buzzword that you’ll hear over and over again in preparation to sell your home, forgetting about curb appeal is one of the biggest mistakes sellers make. But more than just sweeping your front porch and making sure all your lightbulbs are working, what really matters when it comes to creating a first impression?

Here’s 6 of most effective curb appeal tricks to sell your home quickly!

Pressure wash your home’s exterior

Pressure washing your home’s exterior is an absolute must. Don’t forget to clean off your front steps, walkway and driveway, as well. Driveways quickly turn green and brown from rain and debris, but don’t underestimate the power of a sparking white driveway and walkway against bright green grass.

Take time to seal any cracks in your driveway and make sure to get rid of weeds popping up through joints.

Get your yard in shape

Prospective buyers want a lush green yard, so if your yard is brown or bare in a few spots, spend time getting it in gear. Don’t forget about weeding flower beds and making sure the yard is mowed on a regular basis. Add fresh mulch to really help your green grass pop!

Consider updating your garage door

The stats are in– updated garage doors recoup 96% of their value when it comes time to sell. Additionally, buyers favor updated garage doors with windows over outdated ones. If you’ve got a garage door in serious need of an update, consider making an investment that will pay off big time with serious buyers.

Paint your front door

Buyers won’t be too excited to step in your home if they have to walk through a dreary-looking door first.  Make a statement and enhance your curb appeal when you add a fresh coat of bright paint to your front door. Struggling for color suggestions? Here are 5 of our top color picks for a statement-making front door. 

If your front door is way beyond a coat of paint, consider replacing it all together to significantly increase your home’s value and increase your curb appeal.

Related reading- What I wish my sellers’ knew: Realtor tell all

Add color

Whether you’re putting a bright coat of paint on your front door or adding flowering shrubs, the more color the better! Placing symmetrical flower pots on the sides of your front door makes a really nice statement. Make sure to add colorful flowers to your flower beds, and even consider adding a seasonal wreath to your front door.

You can also add color by painting dated shutters or front porch seating. You’ll be amazed at what a fresh coat of paint will do in terms of brightening up your space.

Pay attention to the details

Sometimes, it’s all in the details. Don’t turn off buyers with a dingy mailbox or missing house numbers. Make sure your welcome mat and exterior lights are in good shape. Give the furniture on your front porch a facelift by adding new outdoor throw pillows. If you have trouble deciding where to invest your time, energy and funds, invite a friend to give you an honest assessment of their first impressions based on your curb appeal.

Keep reading: 

6 reasons your house isn’t selling 


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